The main spring of the alarm clock is broken. 闹钟的簧断了。
This article's main task is to design the fire control system, burglar alarm systems and perimeter defense systems and subsystems to achieve the three systems. 这个系统主要包括是设计和安装火灾监控系统、防盗报警系统和周边防护系统,并实现三个子系统的系统集成。
Manufacture and application of main fan wind pressure give an alarm panalarm 风扇、气泵或压缩机叶轮主通风机风压失常报警器研制和应用
Main alarm display parity check 主报警显示器奇偶性校验
Main products: Grave Burglar Alarm, Longevity Blanket, Ever-bright lamp, Electronic candle, Ashes protection particles and so on. 主要产品有:智能墓穴防盗器、寿毯(高档拣灰炉耐火垫)、长明灯、平安烛(电子蜡烛)、骨灰保护颗粒等系列产品。
There is main, auxiliary engine fresh water high temperature alarm device on board. 本船设有主、机淡水高温报警装置。
This paper designs the main management software with VB6.0 to alarm when standard-exceeded, display the Real-time data, report forms and so on. 采用VB6.0设计上位机管理软件,实现实时数据的显示、数据报表、超标报警等功能。
This paper introduces the manufacture and design process of main fan wind pressure gives an alarm panalarm, analyses its working principle, function, characteristic and practicing application. 介绍了主通风机风压失常报警装置的设计和研制过程,分析了它的工作原理。
When the pressure of the lubricating oil in main pipe is too low, the alarm signal must be sent out and the low pressure pump must be turned on. 在滑油总管压力低的工况下,发出报警信号,并启动低压油泵。实现了按需求启停滑油泵。
Jiaozhou Bay main nutrients analysis/ alarm system 胶州湾生态环境分析预警系统&主要营养盐月际变化及其成为生物生长限制因素的概率计算
First, this paper introduces the architecture design of this simulation system and shows the system configuration chart including such departs: main function component, main frame, memory database, background database and monitoring alarm component. 本文首先介绍了整个仿真系统的体系结构设计与分析,给出了系统结构图,主要包括以下部分:主模块、主框架、子界面、内存变量数据库、后台数据库和监控报警模块。
EBF ( E β Farnesene), the main component of the aphid alarm pheromone of many species of aphid, is very useful for aphid control. [反]β法尼烯(EβFarnesene,简称EBF)是许多蚜虫报警信息素的主要成份,可用于控制蚜虫危害。
This paper introduces the main function of the instrument of rotational speed measure and alarm, the working scheme of the system, hardware design and software design. 本文介绍了回转机械转速测量报警仪的主要功能,系统的工作原理,硬件设计和软件设计。
The remote thunder monitoring system can reduce the losses of thunders by monitoring thunder alarms remotely, which main function is similar with automatic alarm systems of fireproofing or guard against theft. 雷电防护装置远程监测系统的主要功能类似防火、防盗等方面的自动报警系统,通过远程监测雷电警情能够有效减少雷电造成的各种损失。
Main routine executes the main functions of firewall. Administration client accepts the realtime alarm information and provides the functions of viewing and regulating information for firewall administrators. 防火墙主程序实现防火墙主要功能,而防火墙管理客户端则只负责接收防火墙主程序传送来的实时报警信息,并提供防火墙管理人员查看及管理信息的功能。
Combining several examples regarding fire alarm system design in recent years, it gives introduction to the selection of fire alarm system design schemes and the system devices 'arrangement as well as the methods to realize main controls of fire alarm system. 结合几年来火灾报警系统设计工作的实例,介绍了火灾报警系统设计方案的选择和设备的配置以及火灾报警系统中的主要控制部分的实现方法。
In our opinion, there are two main factors which affect the stability of gas alarm units using stannum dioxide sensing material: one is the measuring circuit, and the other is the property of Stannum dioxide-based sensing material. 对于二氧化锡为敏感材料的报警器,其稳定性主要受两方面因素的制约:测量电路和二氧化锡基敏感元件。
The main functions of fire alarm control units is receive and display fire alarm info from fire detectors, surveillance the state of whole system, and control the linkage units. 火灾报警控制器的主要功能是接收并显示由火灾探测器发来的火灾报警信号、监视整个系统的状态和控制联动设备。
Currently the main measure for fault management is using alarm correlation system, which is an expertise system. 目前在电信故障管理中对告警流的处理主要是采用告警关联系统,它是用于分析告警数据的专家系统。
The main aspect of thesis research is a infrared alarm the design that the machine is used for a jail safety. 论文研究的主要方面是主动式红外报警器用于监狱安全的设计。
The main achievement of the four functions, namely: alarm management, message management, telephone and Internet inquiries alarm four functional modules. 主要实现了四大功能,分别是:报警管理、留言管理、电话报警和网络查询四大功能模块。
The basic system interface including main frame ( namely four block pictures), alarm frame, real-time trend frame, statements frame, etc, and on this basis to further undertake beautification and animation design. 本系统基本界面包括主画面(也就是四大块的画面),报警画面,实时趋势画面,报表画面等,并在此基础上进一步地进行美化和动画设计。
The ground segment is mainly industrial computer, and the main function is th real-time monitoring, scheduling control, alarm of actual working conditions underground. 地面部分主要是工控机,主要功能是对井下实际工作状况进行实时监测,调度控制、报警等。
Fourth, according to the safety and reliability requirements of the railway signal light, the paper design the control system of main and auxiliary light by single chip, and realize function of the main and auxiliary light conversion and fault alarm. 根据铁路信号灯的安全可靠性要求,采用单片机设计了主副灯控制系统,实现了主副灯转换和故障报警的功能。
The system includes main control center, base station, terminal alarm controller and dedicated alarm control network. 该系统主要包括主控发射中心、基站、终端警报控制器及其所组成的警报专用控制网这四个部分。
In this paper, the monitoring system to the core technology the main line, discusses in detail GPS-GIS embedded alarm system covered by the basic principles and methods, Including: GPS global satellite positioning technology, GPRS network mobile communication technology and GIS Geographic Information System. 本论文以该监控系统的各项核心技术为主线,详细论述了GPS-GIS嵌入式报警系统所涉及的基本原理和实现方法,包括:GPS全球卫星定位技术、GPRS网移动通讯技术和GIS地理信系统。
Low-voltage detection module, using the second reset pin of the main chip for external voltage detection, sending alarm information when battery is low voltage. 低压检测模块,采用主控芯片的第二复位引脚作外部电压检测,电池低压时发送报警信号。
The main work of the WEB server is to analyze the alarm information from the alarm data according to the configuration files of different subsystems, and convert the alarm information with private formats to the data with internal universal format of the CAMS according to the configuration files. WEB服务器的主要工作是根据各个子系统的配置文件,解析其告警数据中的信息,并根据配置文件将这些私有格式的信息转化成集中告警管理系统内部的通用格式数据。
Monitoring software user interface includes main interface, setting machine-number and support-number interface, and setting alarm interface. 监控软件的用户界面包括主界面、机号支架号设置界面以及报警临界值设置界面等。
In addition, in this paper, the WEB management platform based on cloud computing has been put into operation, the main function modules are background management module, SMS alarm module, measuring module, and pressure monitoring module. 另外,本文的基于云计算的WEB管理平台已经投入运行,主要的功能模块是后台管理模块、短信告警模块、测径模块、和压力监控模块。